Vanderbilt Professor: Climate Change Stories ‘Cater to the White Consciousness’

by Dave Huber


A professor of English at Vanderbilt University recently gave a talk about how the genre of climate fiction, or “cli-fi,” has a problem with “its intersection [of] race and genre.”

Teresa Goddu (pictured above), whose advocacy led to the creation of Vanderbilt’s Environmental and Sustainability Studies minor, told an audience at the Novel Seminar Series that climate fiction in the United States “depicts the climate crisis as a whiteness crisis,” The Hustler reports.

Such stories “often represent white, mostly privileged characters in communities becoming destabilized if not undone by climate catastrophe,” Goddu said. “Climate punctures the bubble of safety and security that cocoons the white psyche.”

Goddu added that she is “tired” of the focus on whiteness in climate stories, or “texts that actually just reify whiteness.” As a result, she’s working on “encompassing slave and neo-slave narratives” into such tales to “expand the canon.”

“I really think a lot of climate fiction is being written, but not recognized as such, especially African American literature,” Goddu said. “I want to expand […] what is considered climate fiction and [redefine] what we are actually reading and paying attention to.”

Looking ahead, Goddu said she hopes her work will expand the genre and leverage optimism, satire and new tropes to innovate the body of work and reimagine a better, more sustainable future.

“I am more interested in reading stories that reimagine possible futures or teach me about the structures, historically and currently, that I live within,” Goddu said. “I don’t like literature as policy statements. I don’t like literature to be so instrumental.”

According to her faculty bio, Goddu’s research deals with “slavery and antislavery, race and American culture [and] genre studies.” In a 2021 interview, Goddu said she began “noticing how the antislavery movement was being invoked by climate activists as a model.”

“This led me to consider what social change my own moment demanded of me and how I might bring my gifts—as administrator, teacher, and writer—to bear on the issue,” she said. “It made sense to connect my long-standing concern with racial justice to the issue of climate justice and my interest in how literature can affect social change to the climate crisis.”

Seven years ago another Vanderbilt academic, Ed Rubin, offered a pair of courses on cli-fi: “Visions of the Future in Cli-Fi” and “Climate Change Literature: A New Fictional Genre about a Real Problem.” Many of the titles on his reading list (“Earth Abides,” “The Postman,” “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”) are Euro/white-centric.

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Dave Huber has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars.
Photo “Professor Teresa Goddu” by Vanderbilt University and “Kirkland Hall” is by PeterE CC2.0.


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8 Thoughts to “Vanderbilt Professor: Climate Change Stories ‘Cater to the White Consciousness’”

  1. Joe Blow

    The Nutty Professor is loose again.

  2. Ms Independent

    This so called”professor” is looney. Come on Vandy. You can and SHOULD be better than this BS!

  3. Tim Price

    What an idiot!

  4. Randall Davidson

    separation by race……it’s the Vandy way……

  5. Cool Breeze

    Well I can see that Queen Elizabeth’s hairdresser is still employed.

  6. mikey whipwreck

    this is a person who is paid to say this stuff?

    that sounds like privilege to me

  7. Randy

    One need look no further to understand why our nation is in decline. The stunningly stupid are are teaching.

  8. levelheadedconservative

    l do see that pasty old white guy, John Kerry, jets around on a private plane spreading climate fiction…maybe she’s onto something – though I am guessing she is missing the main point
